For creating a garden it is necessary to understand the terrain and the client’s needs. Therefore a first meeting with François d’Orléans and the client on site is essential for a successful collaboration. This first visit will be free of charge; only expenses of the trip will be taken in charge by the client.
The week after the first visit, François will send a contract to the client including the fixed fees to design and manage the construction work of the garden. The fees are divided in three phases
a. Sketches & Concept Plans
b. Draft Project and Project
c. Construction Site Supervision
The Phase 1 and 2 are independent, each shall be paid 30% at the beginning and 70% at the end. It is strongly recommended that Francois d’Orléans is in charge of all the phases to get the best results.
François d’Orléans is only paid on fixed fees, and takes no commissions over companies or project costs. The companies chosen by the client and François d’Orléans to construct, plant and maintain the garden will be paid directly by the client, but will be under the direction of Francois d’Orléans.
To insure the quality of the plants, François buys all the small plants (herbs and small bushes) from his selected nurseries and will guarantee them for a year. The larger bushes and trees will be under the responsibility of the garden enterprise.
It is important that the enterprise or the gardener that will maintain the garden in the future is present at the phase of construction, so he understands the views of the landscape architect and knows all the hidden networks.
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